Willowbrook Park Stream Restoration
On Tuesday night, March 6, 2018, The Burlington City Council approved the contract for Stream Bank Restoration to begin at Willowbrook Park! The contract also states that the City has 120 days to begin the project.
Willowbrook Park’s Streambank Restoration project by City of Burlington was featured on Fox8 News on March 5th, 2018. This is an important step for New Leaf’s project to transform this park into an arboretum, in which the City is a partner of. You may view the news story and video here: Fox8 Willowbrook Story
This project will improve the Brown’s Branch Creek @ WIllowbrook Park. Work is to begin in 2018. This is an important step in transforming the park into an arboretum in order create a safe and viable environment for the citizens and animal/aquatic life.